So if you're looking to get from 1 - 50 as fast as possible, FATEs are the way to do it. I've found a list of places to do them for the appropriate levels.
1-12: Horizon in Western Thanalan (Thanalan)
13-20: Aleport in Western La Noscea (La Noscea)
21-30: Quarrymill in South Shroud (Black Shroud)
28-34: Costa Del Sol in Eastern La Noscea (La Noscea)
30-38: Dragonhead in Coerthas Central Highlands (Coerthas)
38-42: Revenant’s Toll in Mor Dhona
42-50: Ceruleum Processing Plant in Northern Thanalan (Thanalan)
FATE Grinding Tips!:
Always, always, always, have a food buff! The 3% EXP bonus is really beneficial, and who doesn't love free EXP?
Party up whenever you can! This lowers the amount of effort needed on your individual part in order to get a gold reward. Instead, the cumulative effort of your party is what determines your rankings. So on those FATEs that are over in a matter of seconds, this can be crucial, so party up!
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Rhaine Default replied
594 weeks ago